Wednesday, January 21, 2009

2009 Season Preparations

First off, happy new year to all! Hopefully everyone had a nice holiday season, and now that we are in the midst of a cold, snowy winter, it's time to start thinking about football already!

The Plymouth Vikings board held their annual elections last week at the monthly meeting and we would like to welcome Jen Whiting and Rick Ewell as our newest members. We would also like to thank Nicole McKenna and Chris Duncombe for their past service to the program for everything they have done.

The 2009 season promises to be a good one. With all the success enjoyed by the program last year, the future looks very bright. We are always looking for new volunteers and coaches for the program, and would like to start gauging the interest on those fronts. We will be posting both coaching application and volunteer application forms to the website today. If you have any interest in doing either, please fill them out and mail them to the address listed on the website, or if you can, email them to The program is only as good as the volunteers and coaches we have, so the more interest, the better!

We have nailed down registration dates also. There will be 2 registration dates set for Thursday, February 26th and Saturday, February 28th at PCIS. Thursday night will run from 6pm until 8pm, while the Saturday times will be 10am to 12pm. You can save time by downloading the 2009 registration forms from the website and filling them out prior to arriving. These dates are for both football and cheerleading, so come on down.

Just a quick recap of the process, for those that may be new to it. The first step is filling out the registration package and submitting that with your payment on either February 26th or 28th. Once the coaches are "hired" and the teams are formed, you will be contacted about paperwork night. You can expect that to be in June or early July. Paperwork night is when we will ask that you come and present your child's original birth certificate and doctor's authorization form so that equipment can be distributed. Once all of the required paperwork is in, your child's coach will have a time in late July to distribute the equipment so that the kids are ready for practice at the beginning of August.

Lastly, we will be starting to plan for our 2009 fundraisers very soon. You can expect a Texas Holdem' Tournament around April, a golf tournament around June, a Vikings Dinner Dance during the season, and some additional possibilities to follow. If you have any interest in helping organize these events, or helping us track down donations, please let us know. Again, the more help we get, the better!

That's all for now. If you have any questions, just shoot an email or call any board member as listed on the website.