Friday, August 22, 2008

Two Important Reminders

Just a quick reminder about the MANDATORY weigh in tomorrow. Please see the post from a couple days ago about the details, but the buses will leave Forges field at 9:30am sharp tomorrow. If you miss the weigh in, you can't play the first 2 games. This is not our rule, it is a Hockomock League Rule, so please be there on time. We expect the buses to be back around 1pm.

Also, Monday night, the individual and team pictures will be taken of the 3 E level teams. The 3 D level football teams will be done on Tuesday, while the A, B, and C level football teams will be on Wednesday night. You should receive picture forms from your coach. You will need to be in uniform for the pictures. If you have any questions, please ask your coach.

The cheer teams pictures will be scheduled shortly.

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