Thursday, October 30, 2008

Playoffs this weekend

The following is the playoff schedule that we know of at this point. All games are on Saturday:

D Blue vs Westwood 11am at Forges Field
D White vs Norfolk 12:30pm at Forges Field
C Blue vs Norfolk TBD at Norfolk

The B Blue team will be taking on Holliston, but that game is not until next weekend in Hockomock Tournament action.

For the two home games on Saturday, we could use any volunteers that are available to work in the snack shack so that the parents of the players can what their children play that day. We could also use volunteers to help line the field tomorrow afternoon, to get ready for Saturday.


Anonymous said...

Why is the C game on the road? Plymouth C team had same record and averaged more points per game.

Vikings Player Agent said...

Although our C team had a great year, unfortunately, there are many factors that determine where the games are. With 43 communities in the Hockomock league, there are a lot of playoff teams, which require games to be played where referees can be consolidated. Typically, the older teams, ie Norfolk B team, have a priority. Since they are also in the playoff and need to play that day, the league's office determined our C team would play there. Also remember, the Nofolk C team had received the bye in the first place.

We have confidence in our boys to take on anyone anywhere, so I am sure they will be fine. We hope many people will make the trip, although not ideal, to cheer on the kids in this important semi-final game!