Sunday, November 2, 2008

Playoff Update- Updated Monday Morning!!

Saturday was a big day for the Vikings. All three playoff teams in action will be moving on after some very hard fought wins!! D Blue took care of Westwood at 13-0, D White beat Norfolk 13-8, and C Blue got by Norfolk 8-0 in Norfolk! The blog will have more details as the day goes on.

Both of the D teams will be playing Tuesday evening for the right to play in the Jr. Pee Wee Super Bowl next weekend at North Attleboro. Speaking of Super Bowls, the C Blue team punched their ticket to the Pee Wee Super Bowl by beating a very good Norfolk team on the road last night. The game was a field position battle as each team would get a first down or 2, then have to punt it away because of great defense from both teams.

A bone jarring, fumble inducing hit from Cody Parks changed the tone of the game in the 4th quarter as Norfolk was starting to drive against a tiring Viking defense. After recovering the fumble, the Vikings were able to put a drive together of their own. On 3rd and goal from the 11 yard line, Parks would go under center and scramble his way to the end zone, narrowly avoiding the sure tackling Norfolk defense, and stretch the ball over the goal line with about 2 minutes left in the game. After Nick MacFarland booted the extra point and boomed the kickoff deep into Norfolk territory, it was up to the defense to hold on for the win. On Norfolk's 4th and long, Anthony Schena crushed the QB from the blind side as he dropped back to pass, to put an end to the game. One quick kneeldown by the Vikings and they were headed to the Super Bowl.

D Blue started off the winning on Saturday by taking care of a tough Westwood team, 13-0. The scoring started off with Cullen Cosgrove connecting with Conor Nolan for a long TD pass. The second TD was scored by Joe Walsh on a nice run, followed by Cosgrave hooking up with Ryan Morrissey for the extra point. Once they got the lead, the defense really clamped down, not giving up a first down in the second half of the game. D Blue is on the road against Hyde Park Tuesday night, with a 6:30 start time.

D White was up next against undefeated Norfolk. Norfolk opened up by driving down and scoring, then kicking the extra point to make it 8-0 early. D White fought right back with a long TD from Ben Waite to pull with 2 points, making the score 8-6. The defense stiffened and when the offense got the ball again, Michael Crosby got free on the outside and rumbled about 60 yards for the second D White touchdown. The extra point was good to make it 13-8 and the defense held it up from there. D White is on the road against King Philip 2 Tuesday night, also with a 6:30 start time.

Good luck to both the D teams as they battle it out for the right to play in the Super Bowl.

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