Monday, September 14, 2009

Vikings Go 6-1 two weeks in a row!!!!!

James Richards of E Blue

Jack Parker of E Blue

Danny Lincoln of E Blue

Well we are 2 weeks into the season and the Viking Pride is in full swing! Coming off our 1st week at home with an impressive 6-1 team record against Brockton, we had Wareham Tigers coming to Forges for another full day of games. With another great day of games the Vikings came away with a 6-1 team record again. WOW!!!! All of our post season playoff eligible teams have perfect 2-0 records as of now...Great Job Guys!!!
Here is a recap of game briefs so far..More to follow as they come in.

The A-team had the first game on Sunday and it was a wet one. Our QBs Thomas Galanek and Trevor Harrington both did a great job getting plays off in those conditions. Galanek was also our kicker and put the ball deep in Wareham territory three time during the game.
The off. linemen all played super against a big Wareham def.There hard work help the running backs to find some traction in all that mud.
All the backs had some great runs and were led in rushing yards by Cody Parks,Patrick Hicks and Ed Ramos.Parks gave the team several Key first downs with some long runs.Hicks put the ball in the end zone first with a 35 yard touch down run.Ramos put the second on in with back to back runs between the tackles to make it 12 to 0. The def. played a great game with Nick Eaton,Rick Barnhardt,Luke Dickerson and Ryan Donovan shutting down the outside and all making hard tackles in the back field. Donald Stoddard lead the def. line all day and put tons of pressure on Warehams QB.The strong def. play by everyone kept Wareham from scoring and the final was 12-0 Vikings.

Plymouth Vikings’ D White against King Philip hosted the last game of the day at Forges Field on Sunday, September 13th.
King Philip came into Sunday’s match-up riding an overtime victory against Holliston.
The Vikings’ White offensive line (Kenny Milbry, Mike Cappola and Tyler Fliegel) provided some great blocking up front to punch in the first score of the game. On a blast by Jacob Burkhead, the Vikings went up 6 – 0. On the next play, King Philip stopped the extra point attempt.
Zakk Graden’s interception provided the next score by D-White’s Blue offense after a great 5-play drive. Colin Nicklas nailed the extra point home with some help from Jake Tamulionis, Isaiah Offutt and Zakk Graden.
Some of the highlights for this game were; the Plymouth Vikings’ defense did not give up a first down. A sack by DE Chris Elliott in the second half to pin King Philip deep.
This was a great “TEAM” victory for D-White. Today’s game was won in the trenches and the offensive and defensive lines provide significant blocking to ensure a D2 victory. Some players to note are Orlando Abreu, Nolan Davis, Reilly Whitehouse, Mike Larareo and Roy Willis

The E Blue squad faced a tough Wareham team on Sunday. Playing at 9am brought the added challenge of very wet, muddy playing conditions. The kids came up big with an impressive 7-0 victory is another defensive battle. The middle of defensive line was anchored by James Richards and the outside was shut down by Austin Nolan, Elijah Ramos, Cammie Caraher and Robbie Gomes. Gomes was the workhorse on the day offensively for the Vikings, but it was Nolan that scored the lone TD of the game in the 4th quarter on a QB keeper up the gut for a 50 yd score. Great job be both teams.

_Hi E White Fans,

E White ran into a very good Wareham (E2) defense this past Sunday at Forges Field. We fell short on offense and lost by a score of 12 - 0. Tough field conditions after the heavy rainstorm made it hard to move or pass the ball today.
Will "You Say Potatoe and I Say" Furtado had a busy day carrying the ball for E White and made some great tackles from the middle linebacker position. Hunter "Don't Mess With Us" Hassenfus played tough on D and helped cause a Wareham fumble today. Ryan "I'll Tackle You With My Helmet in Your Belly" Iamele prevented a Wareham running back from taking it the house from his safety position. Second year tackle Domenic "Drive Blocking My Opponent Into The Ground Is Pure Bliss" Antonellis has emerged as E White's leader on the offensive/defensive line.
E White travels to Norfolk next weekend to face an always strong (combined Norfolk,
Millis and Medfield) Pop Warner program


The B squad opened against a very much improved and formadible Brockton squad. Brockton won the toss and marched the ball some 55 yds. on 8 plays before Plymouth dug in their heels and choked their (Brockton) drive on their 20yd. line. Undounted, the Vikings marched 75yds. the other direction, culminating in a run to the right pilon by Brandon Green for 15+yds and the first TD of the season for "The Horde". A failed extra point attempt made it 6-0, Plymouth. Brockton's next possession was choked when
Bob Dee recovered a fumble on the Plymouth 35 yd. line, setting up a Nick Romanovicz Td jaunt for 60+ yds.. The extra point run by Green was good.The ensueing kick-off yeilded a Boxer return for T.D. and left the score 13-6 at the half. The second half saw a battle for ball control, which Plymouth had the upper hand until an illfated pass was picked off by a Brockton player on about the 45 yd. line and returned for the final score of the game with seconds left. The run for extra pt. attempt was stuffed at the 1yd. line, by safety James McCassie to preserve the Viking win 13-12, Plymouth. The Vikes received solid interior line play by Gavin Johnson, Nate Fratus, and Jack Gallagher, as well as a gritty back performance by Caelon Smith. Sean Howes, Noah Regalado,
Miles Crothers, and Joe Durand also contributed determined performances for "The Horde".

D-White Vikings came away with a hard gought win today against the Brockton Boxers 20-0. The first score came from Jacob Burkhead on a great 37 yd run to make it 6-0. Our second came from Colin Nicklas on a hard fought 32 yd scramble on a handoff by QB Danny Soell. The third tally came from Jake Burkhead once again on a sweep play that went 23 yds. The extra points were added by Colin Nicklas and Nick Lloyd. The Viking defense was stellar, holding Brockton's tough offensive attack to less than 90 yds on the ground. Notables in the game were Sammy Wallace, Chris Elliot, Dylan Ketterer, Jake Tamulionis and Aaron Chase. Great game Vikings..

The first game of the season for the D Blue Vikings was vs. a very strong and big Brockton Boxer team. The Vikings were coming into their first game facing one of the tougher opponents in the league. This one would prove to be a defensive battle as each team came out shutting down one others offense. After one quarter played the score was 0-0. In the 2nd quarter the Vikings would score first on a nice 40 yard run by quarterback Zack "eat’m up" Eaton. Zack had a great run down the left sideline to the Boxers 1-yard line. On the next play Zack would call his own number and plunge into the end zone for the games only score. The point after failed. Going into halftime the Vikings found themselves holding onto a slim 6-0 lead. The 2nd half was again all about Defense as the Vikings shut the Boxers down. The Vikings defense was led by defensive player of the game Carter "crazyman" Solis. Throughout the game, Carter drove the Boxer backfield crazy as he had numerous stops and several sacks. In the Vikings secondary Kyle "bobble head" Caraher came up with a big interception that shut the Boxers offense down in the 3rd quarter. In the 4th quarter the Boxers offense began to march down the field on some nice misdirection plays. With 3 minutes remaining the Boxers faced a 4th down and 4 yards to go on the Viking 20-yard line. With time winding down, Vikings defensive players TJ Hagan and Nolan Perry came up big with a huge 4th down stop to hand the ball over to the Vikings offense. The Vikings offense would run out the clock on consecutive 1st down plays. Vikings running backs Anthony Jordan and Nolan Perry both had outstanding games. Perry had a number of carries that went for long yardage. The Vikings went on to win the defensive battle 6-0. Next up for the D Blue Vikings will be Wareham next Sunday at home at Forges Field

The E Blue squad opened their season, at home, against a difficult Brockton team. The game was a grinding defensive battle with the Vikings coming out on top 6-0 on the strength of a Cammie Caraher 10 yard run near the end of the first half. Standouts on defense were Robbie Gomes, Jeremy Whiting, and Peter Haugh, while the 2 Jacks, Payton and Parker kept the Brockton backs from getting outside all day. This was a great way to start the season for the kids.

Hi E White Fans,

Our kids came up a little short this week against a very talented Brockton (E2) team at Forges Field. The final score was 18 - 6. Outstanding players on the day were Johnnell "I Ain't No String Beanie" Fillippini used his size and strength to score our only touchdown of the day. Johnny "I'll Tackle You In Your Own Backfield Because It's the Latest Craze" Hayes had 2 quarterback sacks and 2 stops behind the line of scrimmage against Brockton. Jimmy "I'm Very Fashion Conscious So I Only Wear Under Armour" Palmer played exceptionally well today. "The Hammer" drove his nails into a couple of Wareham running backs for a gain of......negative yards!!!!!
We have a very young team this year and I know that our kids will get better and better as the season moves forward. Next week we take on Wareham (E2) at Forges.

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