Monday, August 25, 2008

Opening Day was a success!

Thank you to all the volunteers and sponsors for making opening day a success. Everyone seemed to enjoy the day. Thank you also to Duxbury for bringing all their teams down for a great day of scrimmages. Best of luck to them on their season.

A quick recap on the Punt, Pass and Kick competition.

The finalist for the 7-9 year old division were:

Zachary Eaton
Nick Annabell (Duxbury)
Zachary Greeley
Peter Murphy (Duxbury)
Kyle Caraher

Kyle Caraher ended up coming out on top by a total of 2 feet and won an iPod Shuffle in the process.

The finalists for the 10-12 year old division were:

Cory Caraher
Hugh Sims
Michael Crosby
Andrew Parker
Johnny Gomes

Johnny Gomes pulled out the win by just 1 foot, by booming a kickoff 20 feet further than the second place finisher, and took home the iPod Shuffle also.

We had a 2 man showdown for the 13+ division between Frank Gomes and Nick MacFarland. Frank ended up taking the title, in large part thanks to a huge 125 foot pass. In a great show of sportsmanship, Frank ended up giving his iPod Shuffle to Nick after the competition.

It was a great way to end a fun filled day.

Best of luck to all the teams on a successful 2008 season.

Lastly, just a reminder that the 3 "E" level football teams will be having their team and individual pictures taken tonight at practice. If you have any questions, please talk to you coach.


Anonymous said...

It was nice seeing the Plymouth North and Plymouth South football players working together to help the Pop Warner kids have a fun fulled day. Thank you boys for your time.

Anonymous said...

It was nice seeing the Plymouth North and Plymouth South football players working together to help the Pop Warner kids have a fun fulled day. Thank you boys for your time.