Monday, September 29, 2008

E Silver Game Brief from Saturday, September 27th

Well, the only team brave enough to weather the storm this past weekend was the E Silver team. They were scheduled for a Saturday game in Norfolk, and unfortunately, they had to play in the muck. I think Coach Hurley's game summary says it all, so here it is.

E Silver traveled to Norfolk on Saturday, Sepember 27th for a 3:30 PM game against Norfolk 2. E Silver lost it's first game (and was scored upon for the first time of the year) to a very good Norfolk team. The final score was 35 - 13.

The highlight of the day goes to the players, parents, family, friends and coaches that made their way to Norfolk from Plymouth in torrential downpours with the expectation that the game MAY get cancelled upon our arrival. "Wishful thinking" of a cancellation did not prevail as 15 of our 21 players showed up to play on a wet, sloppy and muddy field. Our 15 kids played as hard as Norfolk's 28 players. Have you ever heard of the outdoorsmen's magazine "Field and Stream?" Well that's what the field conditions were like; a field with a stream running through it!!!!!

Roy "Boxcar Willie" Willis scored the Vikings' only points and ran as best he could against a tough Norfolk defense. Offensive/Defensive Guard Anthony "I'm Hittin' You Hard, Even If You Aint Ready" Spinnetti worked his butt off "in the trenches" for 4 full quarters. Spinnetti shook off several double teams to still come up with 2 quarterback sacks. Andrew "Monsta" Meyer also gave 110% effort on the field.

Our players learned Saturday that (like their parents) some days are good ones and others are not. The key is to get back up when you are knocked to the ground, brush yourself off and "get back into the game."

Coach Hurley

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